Cristina Elisabet Fernández de Kirchner was inaguarated Monday as the first elected female Presdent of Argentina. (I must admit I'm not familiar enough with the Argentine conventions to be able to tell whether she will be more likely to be called Cristina Kirchner or Cristina Fernández in the Argentine press, because I see it done both ways.) This AP article uses "Fernandez" without the accent mark:Fernandez Becomes Argentina's President by Bill Cormier AP/San Francisco Chronicle 12/11/07.
This article gives some details of her activism in the 1970s, Una militante de los tormentosos años 70 llega al centro del poder por Alberto Amato Clarín 10.12.2007. As a young lawyer then, she was a left-leaning Peronist oppposed to the military dictatorship. Now, as President, she intends to pursue justice against those most responsible for the junta's crimes. As Cormier reports:
During her hour-long inaugural speech, Fernandez's voice rose in anger as she demanded faster progress from dozens of slow-moving court investigations of human rights abuses of the country's 1976-83 dictatorship.This is a report on her inaguration, Cristina, la presidenta La Nación 09.12.07. I don't believe I've noticed this before, but La Nación offers the following embedded link capability:
"I expect that in the four years of my term, trials that have been delayed more than 30 years will be concluded. We must try and punish those who were responsible for the greatest genocide" in modern Argentine history, Fernandez, 54, told a packed Congress after taking up the blue-and-white sash from Kirchner, who gingerly adjusted it on her shoulders.
Nota de tapa
Un viaje al interior, al pasado y al presente de Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, la primera mujer elegida por el voto popular para conducir el destino de la Argentina. Sueños, ambiciones y secretos de alguien para quien la llegada al poder se transformó en una obsesión
This is a photo report on Fernández' inaguaration from Clarín: El gran día K por María Eugenia Cerutti 12.12.2007. Scroll down to the box labeled "Ella" and click on "Entrar".
This is the text of her inaguaral speech, from La Nación.
And here's another of those imbedded links:
Se inaugura la nueva gestión
La Presidenta recibió a los presidentes Chávez y Uribe; antes estuvo con el príncipe Felipe de Asturias y la madre de Ingrid Betancourt; además,
That article describes her diplomatic meetings as the new President with foreign leaders including Spanish Prince Felipe de Asturias, Hugo Chávez of Venezuela, Alvaro Uribe of Colombia, and Dominique Strauss-Kahn of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In her meeting with Chávez and presumably also with Uribe, she stressed on them her concern about getting former Colombian presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt released from captivity by the Colombian FARC guerrilla force. Betancourt has been held in captivity for the past six years.
Tags: argentina, cristina fernández
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