Monday, February 04, 2008


This is great! Media Matters has done a YouTube video giving us a glimpse of the Establishment press' love affair with that bold Maverick McCain.

Which reminds me, I've never posted this link that Amber sent me a month ago by David Corn, MoJo blog 01/03/08, McCain in NH: Would Be "Fine" To Keep Troops in Iraq for "A Hundred Years", about how the Maverick would keep the Iraq War going forever. Corn reports, "After the event ended, I asked McCain about his "hundred years" comment, and he reaffirmed the remark, excitedly declaring that U.S. troops could be in Iraq for 'a thousand years' or 'a million years,' as far as he was concerned." Dang, dude, that's a long time! The Maverick says that assumes that there wouldn't be continuing American casualities. But what if there are continuing US casualities? Was the Maverick suggested that he might considering thinking about possibly someday pulling out the troops? No, no, surely not our stalwart Maverick!

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