Thursday, December 15, 2005

Analyzing the phony "war on Christmas"

Joe Conason has a good summary of various points about why the "war against Christmas" is a rancid figment of the FOXists' imagination: Merry Christmas to all 12/15/05. He notes among other things:

Unfortunately, what seems to bother the more rabid Christmas crusaders is akin to what inflamed Henry Ford, the industrialist and amateur Nazi, back when he first publicized the plot against Christmas during the 1920's: They still seethe with resentment of those who differ from them. (Ford forthrightly blamed the problem on the Jews, while today's crusaders denounce liberals, many of whom happen to be Jewish.) While Christianity is, as ever, the dominant religion in America, this isn't a "Christian nation" in the sense that it was a hundred years ago. The faith of the majority is no longer imposed so carelessly on the many minorities who believe otherwise.
Steve Gilliard has been both ridiculing and analyzing the phony "war on Christmas" story at The News Blog. And he has also focused on the sleazy anti-Semitism of this particular meme. See Jew baiting in America 12/03/05 and Let me tell you a story about Christmas 12/11/05

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