Sunday, August 09, 2015

Elections in Argentina

Another round of voting is taking place today in Argentina nationwide in primaries known as the PASO (Primarias, Abiertas, Simultáneas y Obligatorias) that were established by the Congress in 2009. Thirty-two million voters are eligible to participate in the election. (Los resultados oficiales estarán desde las 22 Página/12 09.08.2015)

Cristina Kirchner votó en Río Gallegos, from the President's YouTube channel, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner 08/09/25015:

Horacio Verbitsky writes that whatever the outcome of today's PASO, it's pretty obvious that there is still massive public support for the general direction established by the left-Peronist governments of Cristina and her late husband Néstor Kirchner since 2003. (Un paso más Página/12 09.08.2015)

The standard-bearers for the Frente para la Victoria (FpV), which is the electoral alliance led by Cristina's Partido Justicialista, are Daniel Scioli for President and Carlos Zannini. Scioli is presently the governor of Buenos Aires Province. The are campaigning for a continuation of the policies of kirchnerismo. Zannini is probably closer to Cristina's policies and style of politics than Scioli (Carlos Zannini, a man of great confidence for the Kirchners Buenos Aires Herald 06/16/2015):

Zannini is also known as the legal architect of all the key bills and decrees formulated by kirchnerites.

A low-profile official, his appearances have come at times when kirchnerism needed strong support for a bill or act. The tight links he enjoyed with Néstor were maintained with Cristina when the former head of state passed away. Zannini also forms the top table, with Máximo Kirchner, of the K universe and has strong connections with La Cámpora [the kirchernist youth group].
Today's election also include a vote for delegates to Parlasur, the parliamentary body for the Mercosur alliance (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela, with Bolivia in the official process of accession).

The next round of elections will be in October.

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