Friday, October 03, 2003

AOL Journal Voting

So, John Scalzi of the AOL mothership blog By the Way has challenged us again, this time to list our favorite AOL Journals. He asked for our top five, actually. But I only come up with five if I count his, which he probably isn't looking for. But I do enjoy his blog, and not just for the AOL Journals announcements. I'm still working on imitating his trick of making photos LARGE, though. :)

I've been trying to look up some of the other Journals that deal with political topics on a regular basis. My critieria would include thought-provoking entries, entries on a fairly regular basis and useful links. And I only came up with four of those. I've come across several that had good entries, but for whatever reason the authors make a few entries and then abandon them for weeks at a time.

So, on the conservative side of the AOL corner of the "blogosphere", I would mention Charlie Eklund's The Other Shoe. I just posted Thursday something about the 1938 Munich agreement that one of his posts started me thinking about.

Another is Cheese Louise by awriterslife. She's been keeping up a steady stream of posts on the California recall, which she favors. She probably won't agree with my previous post, "Arnie and the Hitler Quote."

On the liberal side, there's Progressive Musings by fdtate313, which is kind of on the same wavelength so far as Old Hickory's Weblog. He has a provocative post on "progressive songs" that I hope to post a follow-up on.

And there's the windmills of my mind by marigolds2 that has very literate posts about various topics, including political ones. Also an intriguing list of links, which reminds me I need to work on mine a bit.


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