Sunday, October 19, 2003

Chuckie Watch 12: Chuckie vs. "The Jews" (Pt. 3 of 3)

(Cont. from Part 2)

Now having said that, I defy anybody to call me an anti-Semite. ... I love the Jewish people and stand staunchly in support [sic] the state of Israel.

Chuckie, you sure sound like an anti-Semite to me.

The Christian Right use their rabid support for the most hardline of the hardliners in Israel - based on a twisted theological reading of Biblical prophecy that says it's God's will that Jews never be allowed to live in peace as Jews - to serve as an alibi for promoting the worst part of Christian tradition in relation to Jews.

To say this is by no means anti-Semitic. It is well documented fact. It would be as unfair to blame present day Jews for the death of Jesus as it would be to blame present day Germans for the atrocities of Hitler or the present day southerners for slavery.

It's an even better documented fact that the kind of interpretation Chuckie promotes in this column is a key part of the religious underpinning that contributed to anti-Semitism and all its very practical horrors over the centuries.

Chuckie's claim that he doesn't blame present-day Jews for being "Christ-killers" is the kind of sneering nonsense you always hear from White Citizens Council types and others in the radical-right gutter. In that particular sewer, present-day Germans are being blamed for the atrocities of Hitler. And we know what kind of people are blaming them, don't we? And, of course, certain people also hold present-day Southerners resonsible for slavery, now don't they?

In the kind of sleazy nudge-nudge-wink-wink that somehow entertains these radical types, this means, "Hail, boys, if them Jews is gonna blame Germans for the Holocaust - and dang ah'm sick of hearin' them whine about that Holocaust, ah've always thought they made it up anyway - and if them blacks is gonna be askin' us to pay reparations for slav'ry, then by Gawd we kin talk about how them Jews killed Christ, now cain't we?"

Any Christian that's not angered by hearing their religion misused in the way Chuckie does in this column should find a new religion. When "I'm a Christian" just means "Ah ain't no Jew," it ain't worth nothin'.

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