Wednesday, January 25, 2006

What's up with these short posts?

In case you're wondering why I'm posting a bunch of short posts - very short posts for me - it's because I'm doing an experiment to prove to the blog gods that I'm capable of posting items that don't require the use of the "Continue" feature.

Also, our internal marketing department here at The Blue Voice has found that our readers want more frequent posts.

I don't promise it will continue forever. Or even past today. I remain brevity-challenged. I tend to lean toward Orcinus-type posts more than Atrios-style ones. But I can be flexible. Short posts have their advantages. It's good practice for me, for one thing.

On the other hand, when I start piling up a lot of news stories, it tends to make even hardcore Democrats want to start asking, "But why don't you ever talk about the GOOD news?" I don't want to just depress everybody, after all. (Except Republicans; they can be depressed.)

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