Thursday, February 02, 2006

Could we wind up changing sides in Iraq?

Crazy thought, huh? But remember, this is not only the Republican Party we're talking about being in charge here right now. It's the George W. "heckuva job" Bush administration. The US has been negotiating with the Sunni guerrillas, to the chagrin of the Shi'a-dominated Iraqi government. Check this out: Shias Head for Uncertain Govt by Dahr Jamail Inter Press Service 02/01/06.

The largest Shia party, the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), has strong Iranian links.

In a strange twist of fate, this means that U.S. policy-makers are leaning now towards the more secular Sunni groups, some of which claim that Saddam Hussein was a secular Sunni.

U.S. officials like Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad have been accused by Shia groups of "reaching out" to Sunni Arabs in an effort to counter the growing resistance in Iraq, and in efforts to promote a unified government.

Shia leaders see this as an attempt to undermine their power. "The Americans are so focused on Sunni interests that their motivation goes beyond just promoting national unity," a UIA spokesman said.

If such a thing happens, it will be at least a little entertaining, in a tragic and pathetic kind of way, to watch the OxyContin crowd trying to explain why we're now backing the former Baathists and Sunni radical fundamentalists against the Shi'a government that's currently our ally that is "standing up" so we can "stand down".

Shoot, maybe Rummy could go talk to his old buddy Saddam and have him lead a replacement government!

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