Thursday, February 02, 2006

Dobson's World

From 'St. Jack' and the Bullies in the Pulpit: John Danforth Says It's Time the GOP Center Took On The Christian Right by Peter Slevin Washington Post 02/02/06:

"What is the thinking behind saying that we should criminalize research that can prevent Parkinson's or juvenile diabetes?" Danforth asks. "We should criminalize research because we want to save cells in a petri dish that will never be implanted in a uterus and never become people?"

All of this and much of the paralyzing polarization on Capitol Hill he traces to "my fellow Christians."

"With confidence that it is the mouthpiece for God, it endorses candidates, supports constitutional amendments and mobilizes campaigns to keep poor souls hooked up to feeding tubes," Danforth says. "It calls its opponents 'enemies of the people of faith.' Today that is the style and, I think, the sin of the Christian right."
Before we start canonizing Danforth as the Post's headline writer is apparently ready to do, we should pause to remember that he was the main Senate sponsor for Clarence Thomas as a Supreme Court Justice. Thomas, of course, normally votes the way the Christian Right would like.

I suppose if Danforth's repenting a bit now, that's a good thing. But if he's looking for Republican "centrists", it may be too late to find any of those left.

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