Tuesday, February 07, 2006

What? A newspaper blog that's readable?

Okay, so I've seen a couple here and there. It's been kind of a surprise to me that even though some of the best blogs are run by experienced journalists (Josh Marshall's Talking Points Memo, David Neiwert's Orcinus), a lot of blogs launched by newspapers to get with the trend are really poorly written. James Taranto's blog at the Wall Strett Journal never seems to rise above the level of Young Republican snarkiness. And that's a pretty low bar to get over.

The this one from the San Francisco Chronicle looks promising: World Views, dealing with international issues.

The bloglord there is Edward Gomez. From his bio at the blog:

Author, graphic designer and critic Edward M. Gomez, a former U.S. diplomat and staff reporter at TIME, speaks several languages and has lived and worked in the U.S., Mexico, Europe and East Asia. He has written for The New York Times, the Japan Times and the International Herald Tribune, and is based in New York and Mexico City.

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