Monday, January 21, 2008

Dang, the hippies were right about something!

From a year ago, assessing the results of the 2006 midterm elections in the US, How Iraq and climate change threw the right into disarray by Gideon Rachman Financial Times 01/22/07:

Most people’s first reactions to new political issues are instinctive. In 2003, the kind of people going on anti-war marches – or warning of impending climate doom – looked to many right-wingers like the same people who had been wrong about everything else for the past 25 years. They were the people warning the world was running out of oil in the 1970s; who opposed privatisation in the 1980s and marched against the first Gulf war in 1991. They were the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament crowd; the "East Germany has solved the housing problem” crowd; the “we are all going to die of mad-cow disease" crowd. They were earnest men in cardigans and fierce women in sensible shoes.

The thought that these people could be right about anything was frankly intolerable. But, in fact, they were right about two things: global warming and Iraq.
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