Sunday, July 08, 2007

Those GOP war critics (kinda-sorta)

Suddenly it seems to be the idea of the moment for staunchly prowar Republican Senators to come out and publicly moan and groan about how we need some kind of change in the Iraq War strategy. (A GOP discord on Bush's Iraq strategy by Noam Levey Los Angeles Times 07/07/07.

Leading neocon hack columnist David Brooks even said on Friday, "I think most Republicans believe that the war is lost. What is surprising me is that they are saying it." (Libby Sentence Nullified; Candidates Release Fund-raising Numbers PBS Newshour 07/06/07) There are so many layers of cynicism in those two sentences it boggles the mind.

But then a dismal thought occurred to me. What if these new half-baked Republican criticisms of the Iraq War are a set-up for Cheney and Bush to propose a new strategy for the war? Like, say, attacking Iran?


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