Thursday, August 30, 2007

Good news on the Iraq War!

Our friend Donald Douglas has some great news over at his Burkean Reflections blog in Democrats Flustered by Progress in Iraq 08/29/07: The Surge is working! Everything is going great!

As I said in comments there, I'm overjoyed to hear it. All the troops should be home by Christmas it sounds like to me. And with all this stunning progress going on, there's no need to keep bringing up allegations that Iran is aiding anti-American guerrillas in Iraq because, hey, the war's practically over anyway!

And all those war critics who were saying for years that things were going poorly in Iraq while Bush and Dick and Rush and the entire Republican noise machine were saying things were going great, just wonderful, what are those Terrorist-Loving Defeatocrats talking about? Well, it kinda seems like they were right back then, I guess.

But now our savior General Petraeus has taken charge and all those same critics are now wrong, wrong, wrong! It's Mission Accomplished! All we need to do now is clean up the Baathist remnants. Or is it the Al Qa'ida leftovers. Whatever. We've won! Organize the victory parades!


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