Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The state of our "press corps"

Abu Gonzales the Torture Guy and his most loyal supporter

Liberal Big Pundit Mark Shields and conservative Big Pundit David Brooks are both certain that the public isn't concerned that our Attorney General Abu Gonzales is defying subpeonas and generally making a joke out of the law. From Obama, Clinton Face Off; Gonzales Testimony Challenged PBS Newshour 07/27/07:

MARK SHIELDS: I do think that it's an issue that has risen to a level of far more intensity here in Washington than it has in the country. I don't get a sense that it's crossed over beyond the Beltway and that Americans in Earl Pomeroy's district in North Dakota are exercised about it...

JIM LEHRER: Has it crossed over to you, David?

DAVID BROOKS: I guess it hasn't. I was just out on the campaign trail, and certainly nobody is asking about this subject. (my emphasis)
From Gonzales: Mr. Popularity by Will Thomas TPM Muckraker 07/31/07:

And if Sen. Specter (R-PA) is still on the fence about where to go next, he might consider this: 70% percent of those polled [by SurveyUSA] – including 49% of Republicans- think that Congress is right to investigate Gonzales.

Meanwhile, A new Rasmussen survey of likely voters found that 41% of Americans think Gonzales should resign. That number has been holding steady for the last few surveys, with 43% and 39% answering the same way in April and March, respectively. (my emphasis)
As Bob "the Daily Howler" Somberby says: Our press corps. If they didn't exist, you couldn't invent them.

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