Monday, August 13, 2007

Time-travel blogging from 1993: corporate tax rates

This "time-travel" blog post is from 02/15/1993:

Today's San Francisco Chronicle says corporate lobbyists are attacking the idea of raising corporate tax rates, arguing that it will cost jobs.

Advocates stress tax fairness, observing that the corporate tax revenues, as a percent of GDP, have plunged 40% since the 1970s and 50% since the 1960s. The Treasury Department is also concerned that raising the personal tax rate from 31% to 36% while corporate taxes are at 34% would encourage setting up corporations for the purposes of avoiding taxes.

It's striking that the anti-tax business lobbyists today emphasize the alleged malignant effects of higer taxes on job creation. Thirteen years ago [1980], the plea was, as I remember it, that higher taxes were uniformly passed through to consumers in prices. Somehow, it seems that in the laslt few years market forces have made this impossible.

A cynic might suggest that lower public concern about inflation today makes that a less appealing argument against raising corporate tax rates.
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