Monday, October 29, 2007

Obama's headbanger politics

You know, being a Democrat means periodically feeling the strong urge to go bang your head against the wall. Fortunately for our craniums and the wall paint, most of us manage to resist the temptation most of the time.

Obama, looking to the right

But sometimes it's pretty hard. The last few days, we've had Barack Obama inviting a loony antigay minister who claims to be a "recovered gay" or whatever the fundis call it this week, to rant to a crowd about how gays and lesbians are going to Hail. Or something to that effect.

Let's see, this particular schtick represents a whole range of flat-earther attitudes: religious bigotry, sexual hysteria, rejection of science, promoting medical misinformation and general rank dishonesty. It's all part of the Kinder, Küche, Kirche (children, kitchen, church) notion of proper gender roles so beloved of the supposed spokespeople for our Christian fundis.

Then Obama goes after Hillary Clinton for ignoring the alleged "crisis" in Social Security. That would be the "crisis" that exists only in the fevered brains and reactionary propaganda of Republicans who want to phase out Social Security.

If there's any sense in this, I'm so far unable to detect it. Is there going to be anyone voting in Democratic primaries next year for whom preventing gays and lesbians from marrying is the overriding political issue on their minds?

And if you aren't willing to fight tooth-and-nail to save Social Security from the Republicans who in their cold, stony heart of hearts have never accepted the entire idea, why even bother to pretend to be a Democrat? What, is Obama hoping for some massive crossover vote from Ron Paul cultists?

Do-not-let-head-stike-wall. Must-resist...

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