Mike Huckabee and the Christian Reconstructionists 12/20/07
Huckabee’s Christian Reconstructionist Ties Run Deep 01/06/08
Burroway notes the Huck's close ties to Christian Dominionists like George Grant:
These are core beliefs among several leading figures in Huckabee’s circle. One such prominent figure is George Grant, a well-known Reconstructionist who appeared with [R.J.] Rushdoony [founder of Christian Reconstructionism/Dominionism] in the video, God’s Law and Society. Grant was the co-author for Huckabee’s 1998 book, Kids Who Kill: Confronting Our Culture of Violence. That was the book where Huckabee and Grant lumped homosexuality with pedophilia, sadomasochism and necrophilia as “institutionally supported aberrations.” (my emphasis)Then there's Huck associate Bill Gothard, who among other things is the author of a Christian home schooling curriculum:
Gothard teaches that all of life’s problems can be traced to poor “character choices.” Those choices result in a large number of societal “ills,” including homosexuality, divorce, contraception, crime — even mental illness. In one video, Gothard claims that there is no such thing as mental illnesses, and everything that we call “mental illness” — including schizophrenia — are the direct result of making poor character choices. Among the many unaccredited “training institutes” that Gothard runs is something called “The Medical Training Institute of America,” which emphasizes “the Biblical mandate to call for the elders of the church for prayer before receiving medical treatment for a serious illness.” He describes the “power of crying out” to cure brain tumors, cancer and infertility.Tags: authoritarianism, bill gothard, christian dominionism, christian fundamentalism, christian right, christianism, george grant, mike huckabee
Gothard insists that families and communities must organize themselves on a strict interpretation of Christian Reconstructionist principles. In addition to Cabbage Patch Dolls, he also forbids dancing, dating, rock music (even Christian rock) and “wrong clothes.” Wives must submit to their husbands, adults must submit to their patriarch (the husband’s father), and couples must discard all forms of birth control. Families should limit their contact with those who are not “saved,” they should lock their misbehaving children into “prayer closets,” and they should home-school their children. (my emphasis)
Two thumbs up, Bruce.
As it happens, my maiden aunt has fallen in with this crowd - she keeps giving me subscriptions to Human Events and First Things and rags like those.
I take these people with the utmost seriousness: they are far more dangerous to America than any shadowy islamofascist.
Recent photo of Huckabee with Gothard and more info: Mike Huckabee's Ties to "Cult of Character" Evangelist Bill Gothard
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