Monday, January 28, 2008

Is the Dark Lord surging?

Philip Giraldi, a former CIA counterterrorism official and currently a columnist and contributing editor of isolationist magazine, The American Conservative, does some decent analysis of issues related to terrorism and the Iraq War. He argues in a Huffington Post piece from last week, The Return of Dick Cheney 01/21/08, that Cheney's malign influence on Middle East policy is having a resurgence, after supposedly being in eclipse for a while:

According to intelligence sources in Washington, Vice President Cheney has again begun to urge Bush to act against Iran before the end of his presidency. Cheney has suggested that if the Israelis act against Iran, the US will be implicated in the attack and would have no choice but to join Tel Aviv in taking military action. The resurgence of Cheney and the instability arising from Bush's attempts to reinvigorate the faltering anti-Iran Arab coalition has alarmed several senior members of the American intelligence community who are now backing away from their optimistic assessment that the NIE on Iran ensured the US would not attack Iran. Many now believe Bush has agreed in principle with Cheney that military conflict with Iran must be initiated before the next President takes office.
Scott Horton of Radio interviewed Giraldi on 01/24/08. (As always with, be cautious about anti-Israel claims from their site.)

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