Sunday, February 03, 2008

Escalation in the Afghanistan War recommended

The Afghanistan Study Group of the Establishment-minded Atlantic Council of the United States has issued a report recommending escalation in the Afghanistan War, Revitalizing Our Efforts, Rethinking Our Strategy 01/30/08.

It certainly seems to me that this is way too late. At this point, NATO's protracted war in Afghanistan has become a serious problem in itself. Whatever chance nation-building had there in 2002 - and I think it was substantial - that window of opportunity has passed.

Dick Cheney and George Bush didn't care much about building an Afghanistan that would be more than a failed state. In fact, their warlord-oriented strategy in the Afghanistan War has made it even more likely that Afghanistan will continue as a failed state heavily dependent on narcotrafficking for years to come.

One more piece of wreckage that the Cheney-Bush administration will leave behind.


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