Monday, February 04, 2008

Stop me before I Huck again!

Max Brantley in his The morning Huck post for 02/03/08 at the Arkansas Times blog prints a letter from Rick Moss, a reader in Boca Raton FL, wielding purple prose in the service of the Christianist cause and Brother Huck:

When we few, we courageous Band of Brothers and Sisters, rest in victory on the summit with Mike Huckabee as our President, we will have time to wipe the sweat from the impossible odds overcome, cleanse the blood from the slings and arrows of our own Party and realize that our empty pockets enabled us to make the final surge to where we now stand.

And then the throngs will come and scream how much they love Mike. But they will have crisp, dry clothes without sweat stains and no blood on their boots. They will be fresh and enthusiastic and when we ask them where they were during the onslaught when South Carolina and Florida were within reach, they will drop their eyes and mumble,"We didn't think you could really do it. We love you Mike, it's just that we felt you we re not electable."

I say cry Havoc and loose the Resurrection Power of Christ. Let every Believer start voting his conscience and heart and exercise some Faith instead of doubt. We are at WAR for the future of our nation and there is no time for hesitation, there is no time for halfhearted attempts. RALLY, RALLY, Fight the good fight! Strike while the iron is hot!! I would rather fail with the taste of my own blood in my mouth than live a comfortable life tasting the bile rise in my throat as I watch my Country slide into indolence and decay because those who had the power to do something failed to answer the CALL.
"Cry Havoc" used to be a popular comic book headline. And that line, "I would rather fail with the taste of my own blood in my mouth than live a comfortable life tasting the bile rise in my throat" pretty much defines purple prose. Although there are less disgusting varieties.

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