Friday, April 04, 2008

Confederate "Heritage" Month, April 4: Vermont secessionists today

Clement Vallandigham, a Civil War "Copperhead" (Yankee sympathizer with the Confederacy): his soul apparently goes marching on, too is a Web site that features some neo-Confederate writers like former Ron Paul aide Lew Rockwell. The site does not feature only or even primarily far-right isolationist material. But that stuff is there. And there is some definitely ideological/political overlap between Old Right isolationist types and neo-Confederate thought.

The site's Antiwar Radio earlier this year featured Scott Horton Interviews Christopher Ketcham 02/14/08. Ketcham has written on the the secessionist Second Vermont Republic group, and seems to clearly sympathize heavily with their cause.

He wrote about the group in Long live secession! Salon 01/25/05. I commented on this article during Confederate "Heritage" Month of 2005 in a post of 04/29/05.

Ketcham talks about the group's cooperation with the white supremacist League of the South, saying of the two groups that "their common enemy is the United States". He also talks about Christian Exodus.

Bizarrely, Horton quotes Charles Manson approvingly in talking about the Supreme Court!

The interview is an example of 2008 neo-Confederacy. It's alive and well on the far right (and not just on the "far" right), unfortunately.

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