Sunday, May 18, 2008

ETA sets off another bomb in Spain

The Basque terrorist group ETA just bombed a yacht club in the city of Getxo in Spain a few hours after a ceremony honoring the victims of an ETA attack on May 14: ETA explota en Getxo una furgoneta bomba horas después del homenaje a las víctimas El Mundo 19.05.2008.

No one was injured or killed in the Getxo bombing. The explosion occurred at 12:30AM Spanish time. ETA claimed responsibility in a phone call. The club is used as the meeting place for a group of leading businesspeople in the Basque region, Círculo de Empresarios Vascos, who meet there with political leaders.

In addition to the May 14 attack which killed one person and wounded several others, ETA also did a bombing on May 12 that damaged property but no people were injured.

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