Sunday, June 22, 2008

Speaking of conspiracy theories...

No, I didn't get this from browsing Paranoia magazine in the grocery story. But if the bad deeds and actual conspiracies in this administration that we already know about and are well-documented aren't enough for you to worry about, there's always the possibility of Cheney pulling an "October surprise" to put Maverick McCain over the hump in November's Presidential election.

Like this, from Target: Bin Laden Los Angeles Times 04/13/08:

... Bin Laden may well understand what many Americans do not: that he is more likely to be killed or captured during the next year or so than at any time since late 2001, when he escaped U.S. warplanes bombing him in eastern Afghanistan, at Tora Bora. ...

The structure of this U.S.-aid pipeline [to Pakistan], set against the decades-long history of on-again, off-again American support for Pakistan, encouraged Pakistan's top military commanders to believe that if Bin Laden were ever captured or killed, the U.S. might reduce its support or even go home. A fugitive Bin Laden became their meal ticket.

Now these incentives have been at least partly reversed.
I'm just saying.

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