Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Not "just" a neo-Confederate

Frederick Clarkson of the TalktoAction blog reports that Palin Was a Member of the Constitution Party in the 90s 09/02/08. It turns out the Alaskan Independence Party which Palin and her husband supported (is past tense correct?) is the state affiliate of another white supremacist group:

But what has not been reported as far as I can tell, is that the AIP is the Alaska affiliate of the Constitution Party, founded by Howard Phillips, and has been the political home to leading theocratic Christian Reconstructionism such as John Lofton, Otto Scott, Joe Morecraft and movement founder R.J. Rushdoony himself. It has also been the party of some of the most militant anti-abortion activists in the U.S. such as Matthew Trewhella and Ralph Ovadal of Missionaries to the Preborn and for many years Randall Terry -- until he decided to run (unsuccessfully) in a primary challenge to an incumbent Republican State Senator Jim King (who had stood up to the Religious Right during the Terri Schiavo episode.) More recently perennial GOP presidential candidate Alan Keyes unsuccessfully sought the Constitution Party nomination. Currently the third largest political party in the U.S. in terms of membership, it is usually on the ballot in about 35 states. [my emphasis]
The Constitution Party is the one that Swiftboater Jerome Korsi, author of Obama Nation, professes to support. Christian Reconstruction is an especially hardcore part of the wider theology of Christian dominionism. Randall Terry was not only an anti-abortion zealot but one of the key figures promoting the far-right, terrorist militia movement in the 1990s.

The "degrees of separation" between Republicans and stark raving violent white supremacists are becoming fewer and fewer.

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