Thursday, November 27, 2008


Our Establishment press, being clueless, has all kinds of speculation about how John "100 Years War" McCain lost the Presidential election. Picking Sarah Palin, the Iraq War's unpopularity, the complete failure of the private financial system, whatever.

But, as they often do, they miss the most painfully obvious. Earlier this year, with the idea of painting Obama as a light-weight "celebrity", McCain put out an ad attacking Britney Spears (along with Paris Hilton).

It was over for him right then. He might as well not have bothered to campaign any more. I mean, you just don't take on that heavy a load of karma and not suffer the consequences!

So you could say that Britney saved the country - shoot, the whole world! - from a John McCain/Sarah Palin Presidency. Indeed something to be thankful for. Though don't expect the cynical, reactionary Yankee press to notice!

Plus, she has a new CD coming out on Tuesday, Dec. 2, which happens to be her birthday. And she has a new cover story in Rolling Stone, Britney Returns by Jenny Eliscu (dated 12/11/08; accessed 11/26/08).

Ha! And there are still people who doubt the Britney Theory of History. Go figure.

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