Saturday, May 16, 2009

Picture the difference

You can turn off your TV
And go about your day
But just 'cause you don't see it
That don't mean it's gone away

- Kasey Chambers, "Ignorance"

Digby, who's been great on the torture story, highly recommends this post: Torture Versus Freedom Vagabond Scholar 05/15/09 which features this Second World War-era US poster:

Yes, in the "Good War", the US stood for something very different that what Dick Cheney is about.

Obama's awful decision to try to withhold the torture photos scheduled for a May 28 release hasn't prevented the Australian paper Sydney Morning Herald from getting hold of some of them (More snaps from Abu Ghraib). [Update 05/30/09: 14 of the 15 photos in the Sydney Morning Herald set had been previously published by Salon on 03/26/2006, including the one shown below.] This is one of them, all of which show how America defends Good against Evil and shows how our white folks' Christian values are so much superior to those of them A-rabs and that awful Islam religion of violence. As least that's how the Dick Cheney's of the world claim to see it, and ask us to see it:

The United States shouldn't have been committing these crimes under the Cheney-Bush administration. And the Obama administration shouldn't be trying to hide these crimes or to avoid prosecuting the criminals. The administration's job is to enforce the law.

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