Thursday, August 06, 2009

Seven US military bases in Colombia?

Conservative Colombian President Alvaro Uribe is trying to sell other Latin American countries on the virtue of an agreement he's made to allow seven US military bases in Colombia.

To which I say, first of all, seven US military bases in Colombia? Aren't we in enough military messes as it is? What's this about? The US also plans to increase the number of American troops there from 300 to as many as 1,500. Escalating our direct involvement in Colombia's endless war with narco-guerrillas? This does not sound like a grand idea to me.

Secondly, Uribe is getting a chilly reception from his continental neighbors. Argentine President Cristina Fernández, Brazilian President Lula Da Silva and Chilean President Michelle Bachelet have all indicated their lack of enthusiasm for the idea.

See also: Colombia seeks support for troops pact by Naomi Mapstone and Benedict Mander Financial Times 08/05/09; Cristina le planteó a Uribe su preocupación por las bases de EE.UU. Clarín 08/05/09; Sudamérica dice 'no' a Uribe y a las bases de EEUU en Colombia por Juan Ignacio Irigaray El Mundo (Spain) 05.08.2009;


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