Thursday, September 17, 2009

For what it's worth

Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions posted a Facebook note about his opposition to Obama's position on the Star Wars boondoggle in Europe. Although Obama's proposal reduces the scale of this travesty of a "missile defense" system, it doesn't shut it down. But Sessions says in his statement:

President Obama’s announcement is indicative of a larger hostility towards our nation’s longstanding missile defense plans. Through a series of actions, the Obama Administration is dismantling this important program, and, in the process, undermining our national security and exposing our country to serious missile threats from foreign nations like Iran and North Korea.
These are the comments on his post as of this writing. I'm leaving off the names on all but my own, which I've bolded below.

* Thank you for all you do for us.

* Tell Shelby to stand up for us like you do.

* Why are we surrendering to Russia after we already defeated them?

* because the democrats are in charge :(

* Would you expect anything else? It's more of Obama's "Peace through appeasement" strategy. Just like his domestic policies, it's something that has been tried many times and has never worked. However, since he is the One, it will work for him. He just has to get Joe Biden to say it.

Senator Sessions, thank you for continuing to stand by your principles and for the people of Alabama.

* So frightening. Thank you, Senator Sessions!!!

* May God help us and especially those who need to stand up for our country! Jeff, thank you for all that you do in making us aware of the truth....and for fighting for what our country is suppose to stand for!! Praying for you!!

* In the case of any "emergency", let's pray he can talk them to death............that's is his only strong suit........ just words.
Thank you, Sen. Sessions for the stand you always take.

* I thank God for you and for your courage to take a stand!

* Our president, and Sec. Of State believe that if we say were sorry enough then the world will believe that we are to sorry(worthless) to bomb. That's a real progressive missile defense plan!! Also, I am sorry for writing this, not really, but if you believe it then you won't ATTACK me! LOL

* Bruce Miller I'm would be sorry to see the "missile defense" program go. It's already the biggest boondoggle in history, why stop now?

* Jeff, thank you so much for truly representing what we believe. I'm proud to have you as a representative!

* Lets just open the door and say kill me now!

* Please do not drink the kool aid when the cup is passed to you. I do not know what our president smokes or drinks but it seems to adversely effect good judgement

* Thank you for this announcement. Who will ever trust our word when such reversals can take place? Poland took a great political risk at the urging of the US only to have the US reverse itself.

* Gotta love an administration that consistently bends over backwards to please nations that hate us to the detriment of nations that have supported us.

* Thank you, Senator Sessions. You represent us well. We are proud of you!

* He's just opening us up to everyone who hates us!

* I certainly hope all the morons that helped put this "panty waist" in the White House are happy now. You wanted change well, here it is. Talk about fundamentally changing America. If this administration isn't stopped there's going to be no America left. Why do some apparently believe they are going to be immune from the implications of decisions such as this? I guess they think if they run up the coward flag our enemies will pass them by. God help us!!!!

* Tell'em Jeff!
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1 comment:

rob fletcher said...

I do guess they want us bury alive? Or, what??? We need all the protection we can get due to the hate they have for us and our "Freedom"!!! Help!!!