Monday, November 23, 2009

Stooping to Establishment press standards

I was really disappointed to see this article by Michelle Goldberg, who has done some excellent work in the past: Palin's Ego Trip The Daily Beast 11/18/09.

Because in it she indulges one of the worst habits of Beltway Village pundits, the amateur psychiatric diagnosis of politicians. And what may be an even worse sign, in the first two paragraphs she works in two references each to Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.

Bob Somerby analyzes part of her article in the Daily Howler 11/23/09. And apparently intends to return to it tomorrow. So I'll refer you to him for the more detailed takedown.

I'll just add one point. After using a quotation from a psychiatry professor to buttress her dubious case, she writes:

Years ago, during the Goldwater campaign, so many psychiatrists publicly speculated about the Republican candidate’s psychology that the American Psychiatric Association adopted guidelines prohibiting such analysis.
Are we supposed to conclude that this means that while it's not ethical for psychiatrists, who have some relevant medical experience, it is ethical for journalists who don't?

I hope Michelle gets off this particular track, and fast.

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