I watched former Presidents Carter and Shrub Bush on Sunday's Meet the Press talking to lipless David Gregory (who looked to have multiple stiches on the side of his head close to his left eye) about their joint efforts to raise funds for emergency assistance to Haiti.
George W. Bush is one of the most hated men on the planet and one of the most unpopular in the United States. Is this really the best person to put at the head of a fundraising effort?
I mean that seriously. There was Shrub on the TV with his tradmark preppie smirk, saying:
I need to put a pitch in for the clintonbushhaitifund.org. One of my concerns around any crisis is that shysters show up and take advantage of people's good will and generosity. And so, therefore, if people want to help, one, one avenue besides the established NGOs would be to, would be to tap onto that Web site, and, and we'll, we'll help make sure your money is spent in a transparent, accountable way. [my emphasis]My respons when I heard that was to think, good grief, this is the guy who ran the most corrupt Presidential administration in history. Billions of dollars given to contracts in Iraq under his administration just disappeared without being accounted for.
I know the Bush dynasty is extremely well connected. So they should be able to pull in some big bucks from some Saudi princes, for instance. If it goes to a good purpose, I guess that's good. If you trust an organization whose co-figurehead is George W. Bush to account for money properly.
And will Shrub be able to appear in public meetings to raise money without anyone throwing a shoe at him?
Tags: george w bush
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