Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Jane Hamsher is right (as she often is)

Jane Hamsher writes of the Obama administration's punch-the-hippies approach for which she credits White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel (Glenn Greenwald, Dylan Ratigan & Me on the "Professional Left" Firedoglake 8/11/2010):

Rahm's genius strategy paid off last night in Connecticut, which saw 20% turnout in a hotly contested Democratic primary last night (down from 43% in 2006). If that keeps up, November is looking awfully grim for the Democrats The White House is in la-la land if they think this is happening because a few cable TV hosts and a couple of bloggers are being mean to them.

Obama failed in his promise to stand up to corporate America, and it’s not just liberals who are upset. Tossing progressives a few bones and telling them to be happy about it while handing the government over to JP Morgan, PhRMA and AT&T is just not going to get it done.
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