Monday, November 01, 2010

Dick Armey on the treasonous obsessions of the "Democrat Party"

Ted Nugent wasn't the only Republican talking smack this past weekend. On ABC's This Week one of the Roundtable guests was former Texas Congressman Dick Armey, now head of FreedomWorks, one of the main corporate front groups funding "Tea Party" events. Discussing Tuesday's elections, he said:

ARMEY: No, I think what's going to happen is they're going to -- there's going to be the continuing contest in the big issues. Will the government be in control of America, which will ultimately destroy America, which is right now the obsession of the Democrat Party with their progressive core that controls the entire party, or will it be, in fact, restrained and responsively responsive to the desires and the needs of the American people. [my emphasis]
None of the other panelists nor host Christiane Amanpour made a peep about the fact that a senior Republican Party figure and "Tea Party" bankroller said outright that the "Democrat Party" (Republican grammar) was obsessed with trying to "destroy America". Once upon a time, it was considered sleazy and generally unacceptable to accuse individual candidates, much less the entire opposition party, of treason. It's now become so routine for the Republicans to accuse Democrats of treason that respectable TV pundits pretend not to notice.

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