Thursday, December 09, 2010

Obama pushes for the tax deal, eager to plunge into another Republican tax trap

The PBS Newshour report of 12/08/2010 recounts the efforts of the Obama Administration to get Congressional Democrats on board for its tax deal of subsidies for billionaires and the first policy step to Social Security Phaseout. PBS is "quality TV" and the PBS news is still generally the best on TV. But the commentary by Political Editor David Chalian which begins around 3:55 is striking for his almost giggling eagerness to carry the White House's message on this. Even allowing that he was being asked to comment specifically on the maneuvering for votes, his commentary is still strikingly substance-free in terms of what the real effects of this is likely to be, including the new political "hostage situation" it sets up for 2011 and 2012.

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