Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Jerry Brown to Moonie Times reporter: "Are you a Moonie by any chance?"

California Gov. Jerry Brown was recently confronted by a reporter from the Washington Times, aka, the Moonie Times. He wound up asking the reporter an appropriate question (Jerry Brown takes on Washington Times reporter Los Angeles Times 02/26/2012). The Duran in these quotes is Gil Duran, a Brown spokesperson:

Reporter: No, actually, because when Reagan came in later on, things actually changed.

Brown: No, Reagan came before me. Reagan came after my father and then I came after Reagan.

Reporter: And then you actually lost your term thereafter, no?

Brown: No, I’m the only Democratic governor in history to serve three terms. In fact only two governors have ever served a third term.

Reporter: So why is it then, that we’re seeing from the bankruptcy though...

Duran: There is no bankruptcy. That’s a lie. You’re lying.

Brown: California has a $2-trillion economy.

Reporter: Why am I a liar?

Brown: Last year... Are you a Moonie by any chance?

Reporter: Sir...

Duran: And your facts are totally wrong. I can prove it to you.

Brown: Because your incisiveness is kind of suspect. Anyway. California, the economy is doing better, it’s coming back. The private economy added $90 billion, and that feeds into the public sector as well. There are deficits because there’s been excesses in the last decade, brought on principally by the mortgage bubble and breakdown. And we're now cleaning up after that mess. It does take a while to do that. I'd say we’re on a very positive course. Not as rapid as I would like, but the trajectory is all in the right direction. [my emphasis]

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