Monday, July 09, 2012

Independence Day in Argentina: Presidenta Cristina Fernández' address

Argentina celebrates July 9 as Independence Day. President Cristina Fernández delivered this speech on the occasion in Tucaman province, 09 de JUL.Conmemoración del Día de la Independencia. Cristina Fernández. Cadena Nacional CasaRosada 07/09/2012 (Spanish):

Cristina recalls the days of the economic crisis of 2001-2 to her audience and rips the Radicals (Unión Cívica Radical), the ruling party at the time and, despite the name, the party of the Argentine "oligarchy", as the One Percenters there are known. Cristina is not really down with the whole "Look Forward Not Backward" sentiment when it comes to reminding voters how bad her opponents' policies were and are.

Página 12 reports on the speech in CFK: "No estábamos equivocados" 09.07.2012.

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