Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Fighting over the exchange rate in Argentina

Cristina Fernández and her government are keeping a focus on the political aspects of the campaign by Argentine agribusiness to destabilize her government and undercut her developmental policies by trying to force a much more drastic devaluation of the peso.

Her Agustín Rossi stated publicly that she will stay in office "hasta el último día de su mandato" to the last day of her term, which expires in 2015. (Para sacarles la idea fija de la cabeza Página/12 06.02.2014) She's had some health problems, so the opposition - of which the agribusiness oligarchy is very much a part - may have some idea they can force her out with this kind of intense pressure.

Minister of Interior and Transportation Florencio Randazzo made the same point. They are highlighting the very political nature of the devaluation campaign. Randazzo also says that Cristina's and Nestor Kirchner's governments has been "el más transformador y peronista de los últimos 50 años" ("The most transformative and Peronist of the last 50 years").

Cristina assured the nation that she would keep pushing business to keep prices under control. (Nicolás Lantos, "La gran discusión es sobre el rol del Estado" Página/12 05.02.2014) "No vamos a permitir que sigan saqueando el bolsillo de los argentinos" ("We aren't going to permit them to go on picking the pockets of Argentines"), she said.

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