Sunday, March 30, 2014

Coups in Latin America

This Spanish-language video from TV Pública argentina, Los golpes de Estado en América Latina 03/29/2014, an interview with University of Buenos Aires Inés Nercesian, author of La política en armas y las armas de la política (2013) and investigator for CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas).

She discusses the 1954 CIA-instigated coup in Guatemala against Jacobo Arbenz in particular and that in with some references to the larger context and other individual instances of Latin American coups, including the so-caled "golpes blancos" (soft coups).

A Spanish-language article by Nercesian appears in PolHis 10/2012, Cambio social, modernización y surgimiento de la lucha armada en Brasil, Chile y Uruguay (1950-1970), p. 211. The English language synopsis that appears there:

This article analyses the emergence of armed struggle in Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay during the years 1950-1970. It begins with the study of the 1950s, a period that gave rise to economic, social, and political transformations and changes within the traditional left wing, that were crucial to the understanding of the emergence of armed struggle in the 1960s. Likewise, it analyses the modernization process of capitalism, which acquired different modes according to the country, as a variable that also influenced transformations in the political left field. Regarding the arising of armed struggle, notable differences are found: in Brazil, organizations were formed in the context of an institutional dictatorship (1964-1985); in Uruguay in a democratic context, although there was an increasing political closure especially since 1967; and in Chile, under a democratic regime that applied a model of reformist modernization of capitalism (164-1970). These differences influenced in [sic] the social composition and actions of the guerrillas. [my emphasis]


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