Friday, April 28, 2017

Confederate "Heritage" Month 2017, April 27: Neo-Confederacy in the Tennessee legislature

The Tennessee legislature had a dust-up last week over honoring Nathan Bedford Forrest, notorious Confederate war criminal and postwar Ku Klux Klan leader:

Joel Ebert reports in Tensions rise in House after lawmakers unwittingly vote to honor Klan leader Tennessean/USA Today Network 04/27/2017, "One day after an Associated Press report that House lawmakers unwittingly voted in favor of a resolution honoring the achievements of Confederate general and early leader of the Ku Klux Klan Nathan Bedford Forrest, tensions boiled over the lower chamber."

A video report is available at House Black Caucus leader responds to resolution for Nathan Bedford Forrest Tennessean 04/27/2017.

Neo-Confederacy is still with us.

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