Tuesday, June 27, 2017

A new US attack on Syria coming?

Sen. Chris Coons is worried about a seeming threat by the Trump Family Business Administration to mount a new military strike in Syria, Sen. Chris Coons: White House May Be Prepping An Assad Strike MSNBC/Morning Joe 06/27/2017:

But he also says that he very much supported Trump's April 6 Tomahawk missile strikes on Syria and Coons uses the alleged sarin gas attack that prompted it as evidence of Russian bad faith. Which raises two questions:

  • Does Coons not know about Seymour Hersh's recent report? (Trump‘s Red Line Welt 06/25/2017)
  • Does no one on the Morning Joe crew know about Seymour Hersh's recent report? Because in this segment at least, no one asks him about it or the information in it.

Here's Hersh in an interview on the April events, Hersh: Trump Ignored Intel Before Bombing Syria The Real News 06/26/2017

Juan Cole notes with what I take to be bitter sarcasm, "It is almost as if there were a faction of hawks around Trump who wanted to derail any Tillerson-Lavrov cooperation and maintain a condition of undeclared war with Russia and Iran." (Trump accuses Syria of Planning Gas attack as Haley attacks Russia, Iran Informed Comment 06/27/2017)

This was the announcement that set off this latest round of public speculation on a new attack on Syria being planned by Washington, from UN Ambassador Nikki Haley:

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