The person interviewed in this interview, who works with, mentions that Obama was more restrained in interfering in Venezuelan politics than the Trump Family Business Administration has been. It's obvious that the US is diplomatically favoring the opposition, and I would be amazed if the government weren't actively funding or otherwise directly supporting the militant opposition. But reliably reported specifics on that seem to be hard to come by.
Venezuelan Opposition Largely Responsible for the Rising Death Toll and Violence in Venezuela The Real News 07/02/2017:
On Wednesday the 5th, there was an attack on members of the National Assembly, Venezuela's Congress, while it was in session. Several representatives were injured. The early reports I've seen suggest the attacks were aimed at the opposition. (Yamileth Angarita and Frederlin Castro, Oficialistas asaltan la Asamblea Nacional y atacan a los diputados El Universal 05.07.2017; Miguel Barrios, Santos hace llamado a Venezuela para que Gobierno y oposición se sienten a negociar El Heraldo 05.07.2017)
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro condemned the violence.
Other Latin American governments have expressed their concern over the incident. (México: Hechos en el Parlamento venezolano son inaceptables e inadmisibles Globovision 05.07.20017; Presidente Santos condenó agresión a diputados venezolanos Panorama/AFP 05.07.2017)
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