Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The meanings of the Doug Jones election

Doug Jones won the Senate race in Alabama.

And now the long arguments over how to interpret it have already begun.

Here are some notable Twitter reactions:

Charlie Pierce reminds us of the likely symbolic importance of the fact that Jones had prosecuted two of the KKK Birmingham church bombers. (Doug Jones triumphs in an Alabama Senate race that conjured a deadly church bombing Washington Post 12/12/2017)

Responding to the pundit conventional wisdom that Doug Jones would have had a chance to win if only he'd been anti-abortion:

He also identifies with labor unions more than corporate Democrats do:

The guy who championed the 50 state strategy as chair of the Democratic National Committee had this observation. Which is dead right:

Elizabeth Warren's message was general and chipper:

Democratic base turnout is critical. That requires organization at the local level and it requires candidates to motivate their supporters to turn out. And seeing their elected Democratic representatives seriously fighting for Democratic priorities like Social Security and Medicare and a peace-oriented foreign policy is a big part of motivating the base.

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