Thursday, August 30, 2007

Jesus and war with Iran coming soon?

Who knows what this really means in the Kremlinology of the Cheney-Bush White House?

But, for whatever reason, there are serious rumors afloat that Dark Lord Cheney is getting ready to rumble on widing the Iraq War to Iran. Barnett R. Rubin weighs in with this at the Informed Comment Global Affairs blog, Post Labor Day Product Rollout: War with Iran 08/29/07.

In this scenario, there will be a propaganda blitz starting September 11 from all the usual suspects. Pretty much all of whom were predicting that our troops would be showered with flowers in Iraq and have been grotesquely over-optimistic every since about that war.

That brought to mind this passage from the Executive Summary of the paper I quoted a couple of posts back, Considering a war with Iran: A discussion paper on WMD in the Middle East:

"There's a strong sense in the upper echelons of the White House that Iran is going to surface relatively quickly as a major issue - in the country and the world - in a very acute way," said NBC TV's Tim Russert after meeting the President in January 2007.

The political context as seen from inside the White House is that we are in a war as serious as the Second World War. John Bolton exemplified this outlook when he compared US problems in Iraq with the fighting with Japan after Pearl Harbour.
The same paper also cites John Pike of as saying that the Cheney crew, in considering war with Iran, "think that they can just blow up what they want to blow up and let the ant-heap sort itself out afterwards."

Unfortunately, the most probable outcome is: This.Will.Be.A.Disaster.

Because, remember, we're talking about Dick Cheney running the show on this war expansion. That virtually guarantees a disaster. For the United States, that is. New profits for Halliburton are even more certain to ensue. Good grief! These people are running foreign policy like comic-book villains.

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