NOVAK: Do you feel, Mr. Secretary, there is a problem, however, when apparently most of the prisoners, all of the prisoners, are in the hands of the Northern Alliance, which I don't believe signed the Geneva Convention and are not the nicest guys in the world? Does that bother you at all? [Novak's premise was wrong; the Northern Alliance was bound by the Genevan Convention.]I blogged about this in one of my earliest blog posts on 10/13/03.
RUMSFELD: ... The fact that they don't happen to subscribe to some convention that we do or that other countries do is a fact. It is also a fact that we have to stop those terrorists from killing more Americans. And I don't feel even the slightest problem in working with the Northern Alliance to achieve that end. [my emphasis]

Rummy and Bush
From CNN (Last Cabinet Meeting of 2003 12/11/03), reporter questioning President Bush:
QUESTION: Sir, Chancellor [Gerhard] Schroeder [of Germany] says international law must apply in this case. Well, what's your understanding of the law?Said, as I recall, with his sideways preppie smirk.
BUSH: International law? I better call my lawyer.
Tags: establishment press, bush doctrine, iraq war
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