Sunday, November 29, 2015

"De-Kirchnerization" in Argentina

Edgardo Mocca writes about the soon-to-be government on Mauricio Macri in El operativo deskirchnerizador Página/12 29.11.2015. He argues that there was a continuing tensions since 2003 in the innovative kirchnerista approach of energetic popular mobilization and aggressive advocacy of social-democratic programs, on the one hand, and the traditional structures and relationships within the Partido Justicialista (PJ) and the Peronist movement, on the other.

He sees Macri's strategy as aiming to exploit the differences within the Peronist movement and to roll back the popular gains of the last 13 1/2 years as a project of de-Kirchnerization aimed at going to back to the neoliberal program enacted during the 1990s, which ended in a cinematic failure in 2001. He describes the strategy of Macri and his followers this way:

Los anuncios iniciales y las caras y apellidos de los ministros designados insinúan que la intención es derribar los pilares fundamentales del rumbo de estos años: el desendeudamiento, las políticas contracíclicas, la regulación de los mercados de cambios y de capitales, la mejora del salario real y la extensión casi universal de las jubilaciones. Así también se insinúa un giro en política exterior orientado, como era de prever, por un regreso a la prioridad de la armonía con Estados Unidos; la cuestión no es menor porque si logran revertir la actual política y comprometer al país en acuerdos globales de “libre comercio” se habrán construido en la Argentina las bases de un largo período de dominación signado por la agudización de la desigualdad y la exclusión, y por la entrega total del patrimonio nacional a los capos del orden capitalista financiarizado global.

[The initial announcements and the faces and surnames of the designated ministers suggested that the intention is to demolish the fundamental pillars of the course of these {last 13} years: the reduction of debt, the contra-cyclical {economic} policies, the regulation of the exchange and capital markets, the improvement of real salaries and the near universal extension of pensions. Similarly, they suggest a turn in foreign policy orientation, as was to be foreseen, with a return to the priority of harmoney with the United States; the issue is no less significant if they manage to revert the current policy and commit the country to global "free trade" agreements that would construct in Argentina the basis of a domination characterized by the worsening of inequality and exclusion, and by the total delivery of the national patrimony to the capos of the financialized global capitalist order.]

Macri's "Cambiemos" electoral alliance have a majority of 130 in the 257-seat Chamber of Deputies (lower House) of the Argentine National Congress. But they likely won't caucus as a single bloc, instead initially sitting as three cooperating blocks: Macri's PRO, the Unión Cívica Radical (UCR) and the Coalición Cívica. (Cambiemos no será un bloque en el Congreso Página/12 29.11.2015)

With a majority, though, Macri can be expected to be enable much of his program.

Here is a post-election discussion of the significance of Macri's Cabinet selections from TV Pública argentina.

678 -Repercusiones del Gabinete de Macri - 27-11-15 (1 de 2):

678 -Repercusiones del Gabinete de Macri - 27-11-15 (2 de 2):

This is a report from July, 678 - El verdadero plan económico de Macri - 28-07-15 TV Pública argentina 07/28/2015:

This one is from August, 678 - La campaña de la oposición contra el modelo de inclusión - 02-08-15 08/03/2015:

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