Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Yanis Varoufakis: "traitor" to Greece?

This is awesome! Some of the pro-austerity opposition parties are trying to get up a "high treason" charge against Yanis Varoufakis for having made emergency preparations for a new Greek currency during the negotiations with Germany/The Troika in order to prepare for a temporary parallel currency if Tsipras' govenrment decided to exit the euro, or was pushed out by the Troika. (El Parlamento griego estudia una demanda contra Varoufakis por un delito de "alta traición" Público/EFE 28.07.2015)

Why hack your own government's computers? Because the Greek revenue office (their IRS) was under the control of the Troika, i.e., foreign creditors. They didn't proceed with the hack in any case, because Tsipras decided not to go to the wall on a Grexit at that time.

Is the Greek opposition using Newt Gingrich as a political adviser? Right, the opposition is going to try to kick Varoufakis out of Parliament and even charge him with high treason? Because he made preparations to keep the national economy going if foreign creditors tried to shut down the financial system (which they basically did)? And he went so far as to *talk* about hacking the computers of a Greek government agency *controlled by the foreign creditors and foreign governments* in order to defend Greece against against a hostile attempt to crash Greece's financial system and economy? Syriza must be praying for them to try it.

Syriza could wind up at 75% popularity after that fight. And they could permanently label the pro-austerity New Democracy, PASOK and To Potami parties as The Enemies Of Greek Sovereignty. Who are taking orders from Angela Merkel and Wolfgang Schäuble. Yeah, that's a brilliant plan!

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